Hi guys,

I have a scene setup problem that I am sure is easy to solve with OSG
if someone could help me properly understand the use of node masks.
Consider this scene:

                   /  \
       ______/     \______
      /                            \
DecorateGroup            RenderGroup
                   \                       |
                    \                     /\
                     \              ___/  \____
                      \            /                \
                       \___ PAT             Subgraph with more objects
                                /  \
                   GeodeA     GeodeB

I have a group of objects that I want to render, all children of the
RenderGroup.  Some of these objects I want to decorate by drawing the
same geometry with a different stateset that enables cartoon outlines
when I pick it.  Now I want to add a subgraph to this decoration, but
I only want to allow some of the nodes within the subgraph to be
affected by the stateset in DecorateGroup.  For example, if I attach
PositionAttitudeTransform PAT to DecorateGroup, I only want GeodeA to
be decorated.

I think one way would be to protect attributes that are overridden by
the stateset in DecorateGroup, but I don't want to have to do that for
all objects that might be picked. I expect this can be done with node
masks, but I am not sure how to set up a node mask so that GeodeB is
drawn only once when RenderGroup is traversed and not drawn when
DecorateGroup is traversed.

I would be really grateful if someone could explain this to me.

Morne Pistorius
osg-users mailing list

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