Robert Osfield a écrit :
> Hi FlightGear-er's,
> On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 6:46 PM, Robert Osfield
> <> wrote:
>> What time frame are you working to?
> No answer, but it's important for me to have an idea.  If you are
> pushing out a release this weekend then there is no way we can get 2.8
> in time, if it's next two weeks there is chance, in the next month
> then we'll certainly be able to get 2.8.
> I would like to get 2.8 in time for your release, as it makes sense
> for both communities to have stable releases coinciding.

The release manager was talking about making the release at the end of
next week ( around the 19th )


Frédéric Bouvier   Photo gallery    FlightGear Scenery Designer

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