Hi Robert,

Robert Osfield a écrit :
> ps.  FlightGear contributors... you guys have gone quite over the last
> two days, no doubt busy with other pressing work... any chance of an
> update?  Is FG going for a release today?  Is 2.7.8 sufficient for
> your purposes?  Do you need a 2.8 branch?

The release is still schedule for later today. There will be 2.7.8 in
the binary release. But as flightgear has a huge display bug when
compiled with OSG versions older than 2.7.3, we can predict problems
with people wanting to install FG from source, but relying on the OSG
available in their distro. I presume a warning will accompany the
release announcement


Frédéric Bouvier
http://my.fotolia.com/frfoto/   Photo gallery
http://fgsd.sourceforge.net/    FlightGear Scenery Designer

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