Hello Robert,

Ok, I'll experiment with it. I can't right now though because I'm on holidays and only have a laptop. I do wonder why the extension is there if setting up a screen alone is enough. The window manager does give a little preview of the screen in the taskbar, so it is fetching data; perhaps that's the cause of the slowness... I'll try in Jan...

Robert Osfield wrote:
Hi Ferdi,

On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Ferdi Smit <ferdi.s...@cwi.nl> wrote:
Is WGL_NV_gpu_affinity no longer useful on windows?

I believe it's a relatively new extension, so rather than no longer
useful, it may be become useful, but just not deployed yet.  I'm not
very familiar with this extension don't know if it can directly
address the performance issues you are seeing.  More thoughts below.

Because it is not used
in the win32 graphics window. I'm asking this because even though I can open
rendering windows on two GPUs and use them in parallel in two distinct
processes (by having two screens, one for each gpu, just like in linux/X),
the frame rate is cut in half on windows, while it is not on linux. So I'm
wonder if rendering commands are actually still send to both cards. Driving
multiple GPUs independently is a pain anyhow...

If things are performing under Windows it's most likely a driver
issue. I can't see any reason why the way that the OSG is opening up
windows under Windows, or he lack of gpu affinity extension as being
the problem as normally the screen number and GPU attached to to the
associated physical screen should provide all the info the driver
needs to map things correctly.  Linux/X11 works just fine with just
the screen number so doesn't have any more information or controls
that would make it behave differently, so it's all down to the
driver/windowing system.

Now it might be that the NVidia drivers under windows are a bit
screwed when it comes to driving multiple displays and that one has to
add the extra extension usage to give it the kick up the butt that it
needs to do the right thing.  Try experimenting with the gpu affinity
extension see if it makes any difference.

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Ferdi Smit
INS3 Visualization and 3D Interfaces
CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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