Hello all,


Does anyone know where one might find an example project of using


If anyone has one sitting around on their machine I would be interested if
you can email it to me as well.


I've already tried adapting the MFC MDI example to an SDI project but I seem
to be hitting some snags where the app won't exit properly.


It either asserts the window as being still valid when it shouldn't be
[CWnd::WalkPreTranslateTree's ASSERT(hWndStop == NULL ||
::IsWindow(hWndStop))] or it get's "The activation context being deactivated
is not the most recently activated one" exception within osg53-osgGAd.dll
after I've deleted all osg items.


I'm a little bit baffled why I'm getting this.


Anyway does anyone have any SDI examples?




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