Just to add my 2c :-) on osg + PhysX integration

Some time ago I have uploaded 2 projects on my site just to demostrate the integration of OSG with physics engines. I have used PhysX and Havok.
These are not nodekits but rather a collection of demos.

PhysX: http://www.3dcalc.pl/osg-examples/osgPhysXDemos.zip
Havok: http://www.3dcalc.pl/osg-examples/osgHavok.zip

In the same directory you may find some movies from the first project.

Most of the PhysX features are there (rigid bodies, soft bodies, clothes, fluid, primitive character controller, working on joints), although implemented in a fairly crude manner. With Havok I loked into the rigid body model only.

Hope it will be useful to someone. This was developed for evaluation purposes (physics engines).
Rgds, Janusz

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