Yes AnimationManager changed from a Node to a NodeCallback. So
the file format has changed too. Robert updated the osg-data svn trunk.
If you have your own data you will have to update the blender exporter, and export
your data with this new exporter.

I am sorry for the file format changed but it was important to adjust it

Normally everything works on the svn trunk


Ryan Morris wrote:
Late last night I managed to get everything to compile, but apparently
there have been changes in the .osg (animation) file formats? Not sure
about this but the the .osg files in OpenSceneGraph-Data (new svn)
seem to be slightly different. When I attempt to load the same files I
had with the previous trunk I either get an error or a seg fault. I've
been away for a while and may have missed some big developments. Any
help is greatly appreciated!
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