Skylark wrote:
> Where:
> HeaderStart:
> #if defined(_MSC_VER) %% defined(OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS)
> #pragma warning(push)
> #pragma warning(disable: a b c d e f g)
> #endif
> HeaderEnd:
> #if defined(_MSC_VER) %% defined(OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS)
> #pragma warning(pop)
> #endif

You can actually roll the pragamas all up into two macros - one to "begin" 
(push+disable) and one to "end".

e.g., in a common header, (osg/Export or whatever), include the following block:

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define SUPPRESS_WARNINGS __pragma (warning(push)) __pragma (warning(disable : 
a b c d))
#define POP_WARNINGS __pragma (warning(pop))

Now, obviously, you could also define these macros to selectively suppress 
warnings in other compilers by including proper conditional switches for each 
in the above block.

I myself do this often, and have a common "macros" header, which gets included 
pretty much everywhere, for this purpose (it also defines macros for 
declaration specifiers and other compiler- or OS-specific code features).

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

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