Hi Sajjad,
The warnigs are because I'm rendering in a QWidget out of the paint event. 
These warnings doesn't appear if you render in a QGLWidget, but the 
CompositeViewer framework with multiple OSG views in different widgets and 
multi-threaded does no render properly (at least for me [Crying or Very sad] )

Recently I moved to Qt 4.5.0 and I had a new problem with undesired repaint 
event when the OSG widget lost the focus. For example when a modal dialog is 
shown, my QWidget embbeding the osg::View is repainted with the background 
color and the content are removed until the osg widget recovers the focus and 
is repainted again.
I solved this problem using QWidget::setUpdatesEnabled(false) but still I have 
the problem of the warnings.

I think is not the same situation than yours because you are extending from 
AdapterWidget, but tell if you discover something ;)


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