I tried to run the osgppu_cuda example. It fails in the cudakernel 
ProcessingModule in the function beginAndProcess in the call for 
cudaGLRegisterBufferObject. The PBO unit index is 1 which suppose to be fine I 
think. Any idea why would it fail?



Hi Guy,

Guy wrote:
> Now everything works.
> I actually needed the OSG_GEN_DIR since it is where the Config files
> are.

You can checkout the newest version. I have removed everything which is not 
needed for proper ppu build. There are now much less configuration cmake 
variables, which make sin better understandable.

> I had installed CUDA. It is strange that it didn't find the utils
> libraries, since all other CUDA related stuff it did found...

This is because the CUDA utils can be found in the CUDA SDK and not in the cuda 
binary installation. Hence, it could be that your CUDA SDK is just installed in 
some other path. I have removed also that stuff from CMake files, because this 
is currently not used by the cuda ppu example at all.


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