Hi all,

 I've a question about the interpolation (I guess) computed to set the texture 
coordinates given each vertex's one (is that sentence correct?).

 It seems the interpolation (or whatever) is done considering the polygon as a 
triangle fan.
 As my coordinates don't perfectly match, the result is quite ugly.

Here's some screenshots, I highlighted the supposed triangles:

[Image: http://img5.hostingpics.net/pics/164071Deformation1_traits.png ]
[Image: http://img5.hostingpics.net/pics/634509Deformation2_traits.png ]
[Image: http://img5.hostingpics.net/pics/605645Deformation3_traits.png ]

 Isn't there a way to compute the coordinates considering the whole polygon 
(probably using the barycenter) ?
 Is there an option to activate it?

 Thanks for all (at least for reading),

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