Probably a newbie question:

Is it possible to store vertex data in byte array like Vec3bArray ?

I' ve tried but it seem not allowed: I obtain crash when call setVertexArray
Is it something dependent on driver?

I attach two sample files, short working, byte hanging

Group {
  UniqueID Group_0
  nodeMask 0xffffffff
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  ClearNode {
    nodeMask 0xffffffff
    cullingActive FALSE
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      DataVariance STATIC
      rendering_hint DEFAULT_BIN
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      binNumber -1
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    requiresClear TRUE
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    clearMask 16640
  Geode {
    nodeMask 0xffffffff
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    StateSet {
      DataVariance STATIC
      rendering_hint DEFAULT_BIN
      renderBinMode INHERIT
      0x8861 ON
      Point {
        size 20
        fade_threshold_size  1
        distance_attenuation  1 0 0
      BlendFunc {
        source SRC_ALPHA
        destination DST_ALPHA
      textureUnit 0 {
        GL_TEXTURE_2D ON
        Texture2D {
          file "Images/particle.rgb"
          wrap_s CLAMP
          wrap_t CLAMP
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          borderColor 0 0 0 0
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          useHardwareMipMapGeneration TRUE
          unRefImageDataAfterApply FALSE
          internalFormatMode USE_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT
          resizeNonPowerOfTwo TRUE
        PointSprite {
          coordOriginMode UPPER_LEFT
    num_drawables 1
    Geometry {
      DataVariance STATIC
      useDisplayList TRUE
      useVertexBufferObjects FALSE
      PrimitiveSets 1
        DrawArrays POINTS 0 128
      VertexArray Vec3sArray 128
        0 11 2 3 16 0
        7 18 -8 15 14 9
        16 10 -10 4 0 -3
        5 4 -8 16 8 -11
        3 9 2 7 9 2
        7 15 -8 4 4 2
        20 19 7 5 2 4
        24 22 0 5 -1 -4
        22 9 8 10 11 8
        17 14 5 0 0 -7
        12 10 -7 8 -7 6
        10 14 4 6 4 3
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        18 14 3 8 -4 1
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        11 34 -4 13 -7 1
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        15 30 3 6 0 0
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        7 26 1 13 -6 2
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        51 -24 -1 -36 39 -1
        57 -10 0 -47 28 0
        73 -1 1 -46 29 1
        62 0 -1 -51 16 1
        62 2 0 -50 12 -1
      ColorBinding PER_VERTEX
      ColorArray Vec4Array 128
        1 1 0 0.5
        1 1 0 0.5
        0.984375 0.984375 0.015625 0.507813
        0.984375 0.984375 0.015625 0.507813
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        0.015625 0.015625 0.984375 0.992188
Group {
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  Geode {
    nodeMask 0xffffffff
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      renderBinMode INHERIT
      0x8861 ON
      Point {
        size 20
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      BlendFunc {
        source SRC_ALPHA
        destination DST_ALPHA
      textureUnit 0 {
        GL_TEXTURE_2D ON
        Texture2D {
          file "Images/particle.rgb"
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        PointSprite {
          coordOriginMode UPPER_LEFT
    num_drawables 1
    Geometry {
      DataVariance STATIC
      useDisplayList TRUE
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      PrimitiveSets 1
        DrawArrays POINTS 0 128
      VertexArray Vec3bArray 128
        0 11 2 3 16 0
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      ColorBinding PER_VERTEX
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        0.203125 0.203125 0.796875 0.898438
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        0.171875 0.171875 0.828125 0.914063
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        0.15625 0.15625 0.84375 0.921875
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        0.125 0.125 0.875 0.9375
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        0.109375 0.109375 0.890625 0.945313
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        0.09375 0.09375 0.90625 0.953125
        0.078125 0.078125 0.921875 0.960938
        0.078125 0.078125 0.921875 0.960938
        0.0625 0.0625 0.9375 0.96875
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        0.046875 0.046875 0.953125 0.976563
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        0.03125 0.03125 0.96875 0.984375
        0.03125 0.03125 0.96875 0.984375
        0.015625 0.015625 0.984375 0.992188
        0.015625 0.015625 0.984375 0.992188
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