On 4/20/09, Jean-Sébastien Guay <jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com> wrote:
> Hi Robert, David,
>> I removed the "#ifdef WIN32" and accompanying "#endif" and everything is
>> fine now. It's solved now.
> Robert, how safe is this change on all platforms? I think errno.h is
> standard, but would including it here introduce too much namespace
> pollution?

It's just a header in a plugin, so it'll only pollute the plugin
source files so not a great issue.

> If not, then can you please check in this change? I had originally
> guarded the inclusion so it would only be included on Win32 on the
> assumption that other platforms didn't need it (as you didn't,
> apparently) but it seems from this report that other compilers need it
> too (even different versions of g++ on Linux don't seem to agree). Thanks.

I'm currently doing a test install of the Kubuntu 9.04 release
candidate, so don't yet have a dev environment setup.

I am in fact working right now from the LiveCD, no hard disk has been
touched at all, save for slow app loading due to being pulled from the
CD drive things are working really smoothly.  Internet connection
worked right out of box too.

Time for put this baby on a hard disk and install the OSG dev env.
I'll email the list once everything is installed and the compile fix
checked in - this will be a good test for how smoothly the whole
process goes.

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