Hi Jason,

thanks for your answer. Actually, I just downloaded 2.8.1 rc3, built  it and
tested my software with those binaries: it solved to problem !!... to some
extends... :-(

Actually, i think i'm now facing another ATI specific issue: I can start my
app, retrieve image and elevation tiles and built my earth model... except
that after some time (and this is also true if I use an simple example like
"osgviewer yahoo_aerial.earth") it seems that my ATI just start mixing all
the loaded textures!

And in fact it seems to be a quite advanced feature as the mixing is
progressive !!! (ie. We have a nice fading effect when you move slowing !!)

My guess is, it could be that the graphic card memory is filled with
textures, and then the ATI driver start using "old" texture objects
depending on your distance to your model expecting to create a nice fading
effect (assuming what we have here are mipmaped textures ?) (except that
osgEarth keeps updating all the textures any way, so "old" textures for a
given area are actually replaced by other textures for other areas). Could
this make sense ? (or maybe I'm just saying silly things I'm really not an
expert when it comes to the low level details like that :-) ).

I'm joining a couple of screen capture in a following mail: maybe someone
already faced this before.


2009/4/28 Jason Beverage <jasonbever...@gmail.com>

> Hi Emmanuel,
> Glad to hear osgEarth is working out for you:)
> Try disabling VBO's by setting the OSG_GL_EXTENSION_DISABLE environment
> variable to GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object.
> This is really a temporary solution, once 2.8.1 is out the door, you can
> probably just upgrade and it should work fine.
> Thanks!
> Jason
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 6:12 AM, Emmanuel Roche 
> <roche.emman...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi everyone !
>> I've been testing osgEarth for a few days now: it works perfectly on my
>> nvidia cards.
>> But when trying the same application with an ATI cards, the app just
>> shutdowns on some cards, or crashes (with the error mentioned on the
>> osgEarth forum here: http://n2.nabble.com/Ati-error-td2603275.html )
>> I've read that the rc3 for OSG 2.8.1 comes with a fix item : "fixes to
>> display lists/vbo creation that prevent crash under ATI drivers". My
>> question is : do you know if this is related to the problem I'm experiencing
>> currently and has someone already tested osgEarth on a previously crashing
>> ATI cards with that version of OSG ?
>> best regards,
>> Manu.
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