Hi Neil,

The ReaderWriter::Options structure has a data file path list built
into it, this is checked before the main data file path list stored in
the Registry is checked.   So if you want a certainly directory
checked just put it on your path, either via the ReaderWriter::Options
or via the Registry using osgDB::s/getDataFilePathList.  You'd
typically use Options when you only want to locally set the search


On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 5:29 PM,  <neil.hug...@tesco.net> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'd like to pick your collective brains for a moment in regards to search 
> paths for files within OSG. I'm currently working on the 3DS plugin for OSG, 
> looking at a little problem. The scenario is as follows.
> I have a 3DS file whose material table references a texture. When this model 
> was created the texture resided in the same directory as the model, and hence 
> no path information was stored - at least I guess that's why there is no path 
> information for the texture referenced. Now when I want to load this model, 
> the 3DS loader tries to locate the texture in the directory that the model 
> resides in - using the findfileindirectory function - but as the texture is 
> no longer in this directory, the function fails to find the file, and the 3DS 
> reader decides not to put a texture on the geometry.
> Now, the thing is, I do know where the texture is relative to the model. Its 
> in a parallel directory. In fact, if I ignore the result of the find file, 
> and merely just try and load the image, my readfilecallback handler amends 
> the path to the file, and the image loads.
> So, what I was wondering was whether there already exists a way by which I 
> can "direct" the findfileindirectory function to take account of a custom 
> search algorithm? I've had a look and I can't spot one, but wondered if 
> others might know differently?
> On the assumption that no such methodology exists, my thoughts were that I 
> could amend the existing function to call a custom defined function on the 
> user supplied readfilecallback - if one has been supplied - in the event 
> where the readfileindirectory function has failed.
> Any thoughts ?
> Thanks for any assistance/comments.
> Kind regards,
> Neil.
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