Part of the issue with plugins like the Collada one may be that it
provides some required libs such boost, libxml2 etc which proably need
to point to your own built versions as there is no info on how these are
built. The problem atic one I'm finding as I go to full 64 bit support
is the pcre and prcecpp  ( found in Collada_dom2.1\dom\external-libs)

Just a thought that these may be part of the isssue

Product Manager 3d
Gordon Tomlinson
Email  : gtomlinson @

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Christian Buchner
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 6:28 AM
To:; OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Not OT: Visual Studio 2008 and deploying an

If you're still deploying the VC 2008 runtime as private assemblies
(both manifest and directory Microsoft.VC90.CRT copied to both the OSG
top level folder, as well as the OSG plugins folder) - you might want to
a note I found attached to the following MSDN article

Could it be that the plugin is allocating memory that the viewer is then
releasing or vice versa? This would explain the crashing, because the
runtime is effectively loaded twice (given that the plugin DLLs have an
embedded manifest, which may or may not be CMAKE option to enable and

-------------------- snip: Note is quoted here --------------------

"Installing Microsoft.VC90.CRT as private assembly in several folders is
not a good idea!

If you install Microsoft.VC90.CRT in more than one folder, you have to
keep in mind that there may be more than one instance (*) of the
runtime-library in memory if you embed a manifest in a DLL. This results
in many problems. In example you cannot allocate memory in one instance
and free this in a different one.

The best way is to create a dependency manifest in only one place (the
executable). And build the extension DLL without a manifest.
(/manifest:no as linker option).

(*) This behavior occurs only, if the runtime is not installed in WinSxS

-------------------- end snip ------------------

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