
Thanks for the hint on the max number of lods.  I'll try that when I get back 
to this later in the week.  I've been back and forth trying to determine if it 
is the txp plugin or not.  That code hasn't really changed all that much in the 
past couple of years, but at the same time, there have definitely been changes 
made by the vendor to the DB creation tool...


Steve P.

Kawicki, Ryan H wrote:
> If you have suspicions that it might be related to the new expiry
> scheme, you can call DatabasePager::setTargetMaximumNumberOfPageLOD(0).
> This implies that you want to use the pervious system that was set in
> place.
> We've also seen this problem crop up, in our application and in
> osgViewer.  I've tried tracking it down, but have not had time.  I don't
> think it is related to the txp pluggin, but just now seeing your latest
> post, I could be wrong.  
> I was finally successful in getting a database that can be released to
> the community.  Once I do a final look through to make sure it can be
> released, I'll post a link to where it can be found.
> Ryan H. Kawicki
> The Boeing Company
> Training Systems & Services
> Software Engineer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephan Posch [mailto:] 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 7:52 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re:  txp database issue
> Robert,
> Thanks for the ideas.  I've been thinking about the expiry scheme change
> as a possibility, so I'll look into that a bit more (though things have
> been mostly better for me since the change).  Now if I can only find
> those 2.6 binaries I have laying around somewhere...
> Thanks again!
> Steve P.
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