Mao wrote:
> 1.       In the example of osgDEM, I infer that osgDEM processes tiff
> format only.

  Are you talking about for image drapes? osgDEM supports many formats for 
images and DEMs.

> But tiff uses 32-bit offset which limits its size to 4G
> bytes. Most of our data are ERDAS img file or rrd file, which are huge
> in size. Yesterday, we processed an img file of size 20G bytes, and
> gdal_translate it to a 21G bytes tiff. That confused me. How can VPB
> handle extra bytes?

  Was this an image or a DEM stored as img? You can always use ECW for large 
images, which
doesn't have a 4G limit.

> 2.       Another thing is that, texture files we got sometimes are in
> pieces, and we should use to merge them into one big tiff.
> According to the source code, VPB can handle only one texture file. Can
> we use multiple texture files?

  I can't recall if this works. Did you try it? You should be able to try it 
with a couple
of small files.

> 3.       The last question is when applied with “--Terrain” or
> “—HEIGHT_FIELD” options, there is no texture at all. Can we encapsulate
> both texture and DEM data into one output file? 

  I've been building textured terrain models via --terrain successfully.

> And it seems that
> osg::HeightField does not provide height = getHieghtAt(terrain.x,
> terrain.y) method.

  I can't answer this.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere                  Xenon
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"There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist." - Xen
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