Andreas Goebel wrote:
> Simon Hammett schrieb:
>> If you want a proper cross platform gui with all the bells and whistles,
>> the three main choices are probably Qt, WxWidgets or Gtk.
>> Qt is probably the most powerful and fully featured, but you have to
>> use that dam MOC thing
>> and the Qt framework.
>> WxWidgets seems to give quite small programs, but it's not very pretty.
> Hi,
> maybe you confuse that with fltk, which gives small programs, but looks
> unfamiliar. WxWidgets uses native controls, so looks just as the
> platform you use it on.
> I use wxWidgets together with OpenSceneGraph, see
> for an example.

No I'm on about WxWigets. I use RapidSVN which is WxWidgets.
That's why it's not very pretty, old style windoze ui.
Still it seems to work well enough, which is the most important thing.

Don't think I've ever seen a fltk program in the wild.

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