Thanks for the help. However, I'm not sure how I go about locating which nodes have AnimationPathCallback attached in the nodevisitor. I think I understand that usually in a nodevisitor, one can just overload the accept() method with the node type one is interested in, but in this case the callbacks are attached to MatrixTransformation nodes; how to I identify whether a MatrixTransform has an attached AnimationPathCallback?

If there's a piece of sample code which shows a method, I'd be happy just to be pointed to that.


On 21/05/2009, at 9:44 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi Phil,

I would write a custom Registry::ReadFileCallback that loads the
models using the standard Registry::readFileImplementation() way and
then runs a custom visitor on the loaded model before returning this
model to application.

The custom visitor would look for nodes in the scene graph that are
animated and then toggle their state to the state you want, and
potentially add extra callbacks or mapping so that you application can
keep track of these animating nodes.


On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 9:20 PM, Philip Lamb <> wrote:
Hi all,

Apologies if the answer to this question should be self-evident, but I'm
having some trouble implementing a solution for pausing, restarting,
resetting and detecting the end of animations contained in a subgraph read
in via osgDB.

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