Hi Thomas,

We have been seeing some ghost particles here and there.  Since the
September updates, we have been seeing the particles offset in space as you
had described, so your notes have really helped.  To get my particle
"explosions" working, I followed the osgparticleeffects example.  These were
working well until the September update.  The osgparticleeffects example is
not showing the problem, but I am sure that is just because the particle
effects are just children of the root node, which is never moving.  This
example, and our code, uses osgParticle::ExplosionEffect, among other

 So our scene graph looks something like this:

      +--MatrixTransform 1--+
      |                     |
      |                     +--Geode of main Body
      |                     |
      |                     +--osgParticle::ExplosionEffect

      +--Geode for particles--+


So osgParticle::ExplosionEffect inherits from ParticleEffect which inherits
from Group.  It looks like ExplosionEffect has a ModularEmitter and a
FluidProgram as members.  I am just still learning, so I am not sure what a
Program does.

getParticleSystem() returns a ParticleSystem which inherits from Drawable.
I am not sure where the ParticleSystemUpdater you mentioned fits into this.

James has been tracking where exactly the change is.  We could just undo the
little change James found made locally and fix it for us, but we figure it
would be best to make it better for everyone, and work out how we can keep
the fixes in play.  I would not be surprised if there is something we were
doing wrong as well (wouldn't be the first time).

-- Rick

So the osgParticle::ExplosionEffect inherits from

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 3:14 PM, James Killian <james_kill...@hotmail.com>wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jolley, Thomas P" <thomas.p.jol...@boeing.com>
> To: "OpenSceneGraph Users" <osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org>
> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 3:45 PM
> Subject: Re: [osg-users] [osg-submissions]
> [osgParticle]osgParticleParticleSystem andModularEmitterin
> differentcoordinate systems
> Hi James,
> The ParticleSystem is derived from osg::Drawable and
> ParticleSystemUpdater is derived from osg::Node.
> How are you creating the graph with particles?  If you are using clone
> you may have trouble with ParticleSystemUpdater (see my recent
> submission).  Also, if you don't clone ParticleSystems and get the links
> between ModularEmitter, Geode, and ParticleSystemUpdater correct you may
> get "ghost" particles.
> ________________________________
> From: James Killian [mailto:james_kill...@hotmail.com]
> Sorry that we are so late to chime in on this thread, but I'd
> like to post a response to the content presented here in hopes to help
> others, and perhaps fix code as well.
> Rick is the original author of the client particle system code
> we use for our game.  I have passed this thread to him and here is his
> response:
> Rick:
> As for the particle system structure, mine is arranged like the
> last one on that email you showed me:
> Group--+
>       |
>       +--MatrixTransform 1--+
>       |                     |
>       |                     +--Geode of main Body
>       |                     |
>       |                     +--Modular Emitter
>       |
>       +--Geode for particles
>       |
>       +--ParticleSystemUpdater
> Except I think he had a typo.  The ParticleSystemUpdater, if I
> understand it correctly, is a Drawable, so it is actually a child of the
> Geode.  The one that I have is a ParticleSystem.  Perhaps I am wrong and
> the PartilceSystemUpdater is something else.  Anyway, mine looks like
> this right now:
> Group--+
>       |
>       +--MatrixTransform 1--+
>       |                     |
>       |                     +--Geode of main Body
>       |                     |
>       |                     +--ParticleEffect (Modular
> Emitter?)
>       |
>       +--Geode for particles--+
>                               |
>                               +--ParticleSystem
> (ParticleSystemUpdater?)
> So perhaps there is something else to look at here.  We could
> also just make the little fix you found for the time being and be done
> with it.  Perhaps we should shoot off an email in response and ask the
> question of the OSG community?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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