Hi Ulrich,

If you've taken the recent trunk checkins, then the answer is yes, there have 
been some recent changes to the .zip loader. However, I had hoped that there 
would be no downsides to the amendments made. Essentially, where as previously 
the expansion of the .zip file was performed to the local filing system - ie 
your hard disk - now the unpacking process is all done in memory.

There were some issues in getting the modification to compile on unix boxes, 
but I believe Robert solved that, and another maillist member made a 
modification to get it to compile on Mac's. So I thought it was all working.

One issue that may now arise, and something that Robert and I are pondering, is 
where a model references a texture contained within the same zip file. At the 
moment, using the in-memory unpacking, this is not supported. Essentially we 
need to figure out how to use the .zip as an archive that can be interrogated 
for files during a model load operation. Hopefully Robert or I will have 
something on this in the near future. 

Until then...you could rename the original_readnode function in the .zip plugin 
to replace the new readnode (this would put you back to unpacking to the local 
file system). I understand that Robert is offline for a few days with a nasty 
cold/flu, but when he's back, we could look to make an amendment to provide an 
options switch to control which unpacking method is used. I may submit this 
anyway, and leave it to Robert to decide on acceptance.

Hope the info helps, and sorry for any inconvenience that the amendment may 
have caused.

Kind regards


---- Ulrich Hertlein <u.hertl...@sandbox.de> wrote: 
> Hi all,
> have there been any recent changes in the .zip loader?  I just noticed that I 
> can no 
> longer load a bunch of zipped .x files.  OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=DEBUG shows that 
> all plugins are 
> found (.zip, .x, .bmp) but I still get 'No data loaded' from osgviewer.
> If I unpack the .zip file and load the .x directly everything is fine.
> Cheers,
> /ulrich
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