
Ok, I started this thread, so I claim to have the right for the last words.

I have used boost before, it looks like a pretty well maintained library. I 
used it because I was working on my coworker's code and in our case, he only 
used the file separator ("\" vs "/") from boost. For that it probably took more 
that 45 minutes to build boost in VC++, which include all other things such as 
matrix manipulation, threads, signal, BLAS that we did not use.

I guess some people feel it heavy in a sense that you can't download and build 
just the components you need(if there is a way to do it, I don't know and 
apologize for my ignorance). Instead, everything comes in an all-inclusive 
package. For small or dedicated project where resource and performance count, 
it dose not look appealing.

Boost can be trusted as well tested library. Sometimes being "big" and 
"all-inclusive" is not necessarily a good thing. For example, there is BLAS in 
boost, but there are other free libraries around that dose the same thing (GSL, 
ITK or even IPP in linux). As a result users have a choice of the BLAS from 
boost, which is a component from an all-inclusive library, or they can select 
GSL, ITK or IPP, which specializes just in scientific computation and dose not 
offer more than that. Performance wise, I think boost still need to prove 
itself that it can compete with those dedicated libraries.

At this point, it's totally personal preference and project needs. For me, I 
tend to use the libraries that dose only one thing well and leave small memory 
footprints. I like it that way because I have the freedom to use that libraries 
for other purposes, so it's more flexible that way.

Thank you!


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