On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Matthias Asselborn
<matthias.asselb...@gmx.de> wrote:
> in many CAD progs,
> is there an option to recalculate Normals with an given angle.
> Especially for smoothing.

Are you talking about assigning a maximum crease angle that you don't
smooth over, but instead duplicate the vertices and normals and then
create a hard edge?

You *really* need to learn how to be specific when specifying what you
want, you really shouldn't expect others to get inside your head to
work this stuff out.  Please re-read your texts to see how meaningless
talking about angles is.

> In OpenSG for example exists the
> methode: calcVertexNormals(geo, deg2rad(30))
> therefore my question if this is also
> implemented in osg yet.

No there isn't an implementation.

> Or how can i implement it?

You find yourself a editor and compiler and do it.

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