Butler, Lee Mr CIV USA USAMC wrote on Monday, June 01, 2009 1:55 PM:

> I'm looking for ways to efficiently store/display geometry with "flat"
> facets.  That is to say, I want "all" creases (no interpolated
> I'm reading some hefty geometry (10-20M polys) for display (Currently
> OBJ format).  There are only hundreds of unique normals.  The OBJ
> tristrips everything and computes per-vertex normals.
> Since I'm bumping up against the memory address limit on 32bit
> when using this geometry, I'd *really* like to recoup the storage for
> all those (redundant) normals.  I think using short ints for 'normal
> indexes' instead of per-vertex normals would buy me a fair bit of
> Can anyone offer any pointers/guidance?
> Lee

Hi Lee,

I don't know anything about the OBJ loader except what 'osgconv --format
obj' tells me. Do the 'noTesselateLargePolygons' or 'noTriStripPolygons'

$ osgconv --format obj
Plugin osgPlugins-2.9.5/osgdb_obj.dll
    ReaderWriter : Wavefront OBJ Reader
        features   : readNode writeObject writeNode 
        extensions : .obj                        Alias Wavefront OBJ
        options    : AMBIENT=<unit>              Set texture unit for
ambient texture
        options    : BUMP=<unit>                 Set texture unit for
bumpmap texture
        options    : DIFFUSE=<unit>              Set texture unit for
diffuse texture
        options    : DISPLACEMENT=<unit>         Set texture unit for
displacement texture
        options    : OPACITY=<unit>              Set texture unit for
opacity/dissolve texture
        options    : REFLECTION=<unit>           Set texture unit for
reflection texture
        options    : SPECULAR=<unit>             Set texture unit for
specular texture
        options    : SPECULAR_EXPONENT=<unit>    Set texture unit for
specular exponent texture
        options    : noRotation                  Do not do the default
rotate about X axis
        options    : noTesselateLargePolygons    Do not do the default
tesselation of large polygons
        options    : noTriStripPolygons          Do not do the default
tri stripping of polygons

Bryan Thrall
FlightSafety International
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