Hi Christian,

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 12:19 AM, Christian Sam <osgfo...@tevs.eu> wrote:
> - the first thing that confused me was, that Y/Z-vector directions are now 
> the openGL-way. (is there a reason why OSG normally uses Y as forward-vector?)

Yes there is a reason.

I presume you also want to know what that reason is... well the OpenGL
coordinate frame is essentially screen centric, with Y going up the
screen, X to the right, and the +Z going out from the screen.   The
OSG's coordinate frame is world centric, so +Z is height, +Y is north,
+X is east.   The models we load a world centric so the OSG's default
coordinate fame matches the world.


> - i also often encounterd the functions "getCoordinateFrame(Vec3&)" and 
> "getUpVector(cf)", e.g:
> Code:
> CoordinateFrame eyePointCoordFrame = getCoordinateFrame( eye )
>        if (intersect(eye+getUpVector(eyePointCoordFrame)*distance,...
> i have not much practice with matrix transformations, so its a little bit 
> hard for me to understand the sense of this, but i assume the following: eye 
> is the position of the camera, and the camera has it's own local 
> coordinate-system. getCoordinateFrame() / getXVector() provide the world 
> coordinates from such local coordinate frame.
> i looked up the implentation of getCoordinateFrame(), but i couldn't find out 
> how it is accomplished, can you explain me how this is done?

I'm afraid I can't really make sense of the problem you are having to
so can't answer this one.

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