Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
Hi all,

I, for one, would really like to thank you for the time you spend helping others and contributing, Jason. Since I've been here I've tried to take example on you and other people who have been active for a very long time on this list.

I don't really have any opinion on the whole enterprise distros issue, but I'd like to answer this at least:

For my part, I've glanced at the CDash site in the past, but I haven't had the chance to make myself familiar with it yet. If it would help as much as you say, then I'll make an effort to get involved with it as soon as I can. If someone familiar can e-mail me a quick-start guide (or a link to one), that would help.

All the info is here:

It's pretty simple, the short and sweet of it is:

1. Enable dashboard reports in CMake, then generate.
2. Make a script you can add to a cron job that will run the build
    target called "Nightly".
3. Add that cron job to run at the time of your choosing.

Thanks, J-S.  I'll be sure to look into setting this up in our lab.


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