Paul Melis wrote:
J.P. Delport wrote:
In OSG you could do something like:

osg::Timer *globalHighResTimer=osg::Timer::instance();
uint64_t currentTimeNanoSec()
        osg::Timer_t timer_t=globalHighResTimer->tick();
return (uint64_t)(timer_t * globalHighResTimer->getSecondsPerTick() * 1000000000);//timerTick * secondsPerTick * secondsToNanoSeconds
This is win32-specific code right? There's no way you're going to get nanosecond precision on e.g. Linux where gettimeofday() is used by osg::Timer.
Ok ok, it would give valid results on non-windows, but give a false sense of nanosecond precision. And the OP needed only milliseconds...

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