Hi Jeff,

I can't help you with your C++/CLI MDI issues, but this one I can answer.

On another topic, I recently downloaded some OSG2.8.1 dlls and the dll
names are all prefixed with "osg55-".  What's that all about?

This was done around OSG 2.2-time, in order to avoid DLL hell. It effectively versions DLLs (it's like the SO version in Linux/Unix .so shared libraries, but there it's embedded in the file, whereas on Windows we have to use a prefix to the file name).

In essence, whenever an app tries to load an OSG DLL, it will use a filename like osgXX-<libraryname>.dll, and that ensures that it loads the right version of the DLL. Previously, if you had multiple versions of OSG DLLs on your path, you could get into situations where the wrong version was loaded at runtime which resulted in crashes.

And since the DLL filename to load is embedded in the import library that your app links to (.lib), the filename doesn't make any difference to the user/developer. In short, it fixes potential problems, but doesn't cause any additional ones.

Hope that clears things up,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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