
Thanks for clear things up for me, it does help alot.

> To reduce the draw 
> time, you need to group geometry so that data is uploaded to the card in 
> good-sized chunks.

What will be a good-sized chunks? The bigger the better?

My scene are contains numbers of models which consist of multiple parts.
Although each part will always be in the same position relative to each others, 
 I can't really merge them to one osg::Geometry. Because they need to be able 
to change colour independently on run time.

I just changed my code to share stateset, and it does help quit a bit.

Now I am thinking about to create one huge static vertices array which will be 
used by all the geometry in the scene with correct indexing. Do you think this 
approach will help? or it might make the matter worse?

Thanks again for your help!


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