
I'm trying to use node visitors from python 2.6 with osg 2.6 and
osgswig. However
for some reason I cannot use a subclass of osg.NodeVisitor. I crafted a simple
illustrative example that fails with this message:

/home/seb/Devel/arboris-python/tst_nv.pyc in test()

/home/seb/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/OpenSceneGraph/osg.pyc in
 14578     def accept(*args):
 14579         """accept(self, NodeVisitor nv)"""
> 14580         return _osg.Group_accept(*args)
 14582     def asGroup(*args):

TypeError: in method 'Group_accept', argument 2 of type 'osg::NodeVisitor &'

Any hint why this is happening ?

Thanks !

PS: I also filed the issue as

# coding=utf-8
Visualization of a simulation

This module is based on the openscenegraph (osg) 2.6 python wrappers.

Scene graph basics

A scene graph is a data structure that arranges the logical and 
spatial representation of a graphical scene. It consists of a 
collection of *nodes* in a tree or graph structure. In general a node
may have many children but only a single parent, with the effect of a 
parent apparent to all its child nodes. For instance, a geometrical 
transformation matrix node would move all its children.

In some cases, a single (child) node may be shared between several 
parents, for instance when the same geometry is displayed several times
simultaneously (this saves memory).

OSG in 20"

TODO: finish

    - Node
    - Group
    - Geode (*geometry node*)
    - MatrixTransform
    - Switch

A geode can contain:
    - DrawableShape
    - Geometry

The Viewer class can manage multiple synchronized cameras to
render a single view spanning multiple monitors. Viewer creates its own
window(s) and graphics context(s) based on the underlying graphics system
capabilities, so a single Viewer-based application executable runs on 
single or multiple display systems.


The :class:`WorldDrawer` class creates a graphic representation of an
arboris world as an OSG graph. Several properties of the world are 
represented (shapes, inertia ellispoids,...), and the graphics can be 
tuned with a dict of options, whose default values are given by the 
:func:`graphic_option` function. The object stores a ref to the arboris
world in order to update the representation when the bodies move.

The :func:`init_viewer` function creates an OSG Viewer and an OSG
KeayboardHandler. It is the place where window size, camera position
and keyboard shortcuts are set.

The end user can draw a world through, at choice, a :class:`DrawerPlugin`
object, or superseding the "raw" :class:`core.World` object by a 
:class:`visuosg.DrawableWorld` one.

__author__ = ("Sébastien BARTHÉLEMY <sebastien.barthel...@gmail.com>",
              "Joseph SALINI <joseph.sal...@gmail.com>")

import os
if os.name is 'nt':
    import osg, osgDB, osgGA, osgViewer, osgText
    from OpenSceneGraph import osg, osgDB, osgGA, osgViewer, osgText

class WithoutInitNodeVisitor(osg.NodeVisitor):

    def apply(self, node):
        print node.getName()

class WithInitNodeVisitor(osg.NodeVisitor):

    def __init__(self):

    def apply(self, node):
        print node.getName()

def test():
    print 'running test'
    root = osg.Group()
    child = osg.Group()
    # this does nothing:
    # idem:

    # this fails:
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