At this point I'm somewhat pressed for time, so I'm going to toggle
the nodemask on and off and deal with the buffer swapping.
Maybe when I get more time I'll revisit the disabling of windows at
the viewer level.

Thanks for the info!


On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Robert Osfield
<> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> The current design of osgViewer is for a single viewer to have a
> single frame loop, and in your case you fall out this.  One possible
> solution would be to have two separate viewers, each running their own
> frame when required - you can't mix scene graphs or graphics contexts
> in this case though.  The other route is node masks as you have done,
> but this won't disable the swap buffers of the associate contexts - do
> to the later one would need to modify the
> CompsiteViewer::renderingTraversals() method to enable the disable of
> a window.
> Potentially we could evolve osgViewer to support the disabling of
> windows so that all the cameras on it wouldn't rendering and no swap
> buffers would be issued.  Disabling cameras from updating where the
> window/context is a bit more awkward though as you'd need to rendering
> to the back buffer and front buffer of the camera to be disabled
> before you can fully disable it, otherwise you'd end up with black
> hole where the camera was.
> Robert.
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Chris Glasnapp<> 
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a wxWidgets application where I'd like to setup two windows.
> > The first window is interactive, so I want the framerates to be quite high.
> > The second window displays a different view of the same scene, but it is not
> > interactive, and I don't care much about the refresh rate.
> >
> > Because I'm using wxWidgets, I call frame() myself instead of calling run().
> >
> > If I use a composite viewer (as I believe OSG intended for me to do), then I
> > can only call frame() once, which redraws both views. What is the best way
> > to achieve different framerates for the two different views? Should I set
> > the nodemask of the low framerate camera to 0 for most of the time, and then
> > set its nodemask to ~0, when I want it to render to its window?
> >
> > I'm hoping there is a better way, because I use the nodemask of the cameras
> > for other purposes.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > -Chris
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