Hi Eric,

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 5:54 PM, Eric Sokolowsky<esok....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have created some binary rpm packages for Centos 5 for the most recent
> stable release. Where do I upload these files? It's been a while since
> I've done that.

Thanks.  The place to upload them is via ftp, I'm afraid I can't
recall the standard username and password off hand, a search through
the archives/website will probably unearth it.  Or... if Jose Luis
spots this email!

> I'm also willing to set up and help maintain a yum repository that makes
> it easy to update OpenSceneGraph on Centos and RedHat. All that is
> required is a directory accessible through a web server. When new
> packages are available, a command-line utility is used to update the
> metadata files.

I'll have to defer to Jose Luis on this.  I emailed him earlier today
but haven't had a reply yet, so I guess he's either busy or perhaps
more likely away on holiday.

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