I am trying to view transparent objects inside of other transparent objects.  
My objects are simple ShapeDrawables with some color and alpha transparency.  I 
am seeing strange behavior where the inner object is sometimes completely 
hidden by the outer object depending on camera angle.  Also, some of the object 
edges that should be visible are not. (Again, depending on camera angle).

In the attached images: "badalpha.png" there is a small red cube partially 
inside of a larger green cube.  they both have some transparency and you should 
be able to see through both objects.  however, some edges of the green cube are 
completely hidden by the red cube.  The desired behavior can be seen in 
"badalphamodbyhand.png" in which I modified to show what should be shown.

This must be a common problem, but I searched the archives and it did not turn 
up much.

my GL_DEPTH_TEST attribute is on as well as GL_BLEND.  I am using OSG 2.6.0 
with an NVidia series 7 graphics card.

Is there some way to improve the transparency visualization?


<<attachment: badalpha.PNG>>

<<attachment: badalphamodbyhand.png>>

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