Hi Hartmut,

Hartmut Seichter schrieb:

> I've seen somewhere in the list somebody had some success with using the
> GraphicsWindowCarbon within bare Carbon. Now I am trying the same with
> wxWidgets 2.8.10 and it seems not to work as expected (corrupted Window
> background). Did somebody on the list had some success and can share a
> code snippet? I got it working with GTK and Win32 (wxGTK and wxMSW
> respectively).

I've done some tests integrating a GraphicsWindowCarbon into a
webbrowser, and it worked somehow but I ditched it because of other reasons.

How did you integrate the GraphicsWindowCarbon with your code? It's hard
 to help without seeing any code.

If wxwidgets can work with cocoa I highly suggest the
GraphicsWindowCococa backend, it's easier to integrate into existing apps.

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