J.P. Delport wrote:

also see here for inspiration:


Andrew Thompson wrote:
Hi there,
I'm using the ScreenCaptureHandler to capture a screenshot of the current view and save it to disk. I would ideally like to save at a specific resolution, say 1280x1024, however the handler is saving the image at the current size of the viewer. My application is a CAD style application so is not full screen. the user is free to resize the window and that includes the viewer. Ideally I'd like screenshots to be taken at a fixed size and aspect ratio. Anyway here's my code. Can anyone suggest what I could do to adjust the screenshot size?

BTW - I tried setting the viewport size on the camera but this didn't result in a larger image, although it did result in the image appearing to be large enough to fit my target size (It was stretched).


// Create a screen capture handler to capture the screen to image
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> capturedImage;
osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::ScreenCaptureHandler> screenCaptureHandler = new osgViewer::ScreenCaptureHandler();
// Create a CWriteToMemoryImageCaptureOperation to get the image out
// NOTE:
// All this does is let me get the image out in memory so I can save it
// What I will eventually do is convert it to .NET Bitmap to pass to // other parts of my application osg::ref_ptr<Native::CWriteToMemoryImageCaptureOperation> writeMem = new Native::CWriteToMemoryImageCaptureOperation();

// Set the capture operation on the screenCaptureHandler

// Capture the next frame
// viewer is the osgviewer instance

// // Perform a Render Operation

// Get the default scene camera
osg::Camera * camera = this->viewer->getCamera();

// Update the camera view/projection matrices
camera->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(fieldOfView, aspect, nearClip, farClip); camera->setViewMatrixAsLookAt(GetCameraPosition(), GetCameraTarget(), GetUpVector());

// Render the scene
// Wait for the captured image to be filled
// NOTE: This really needs to be changed. An event should be raised by
// CWriteToMemoryImageCaptureOperation and passed out to calling code when // the image is ready while(!capturedImage.valid())
    capturedImage = writeMem->GetImage();

// TEST:
// Write the image to file
bool success = osgDB::writeImageFile(*capturedImage, "C:\\Apps\\Test.bmp");

Thank you!


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