

I need to check whether an object occludes another object behind it. To
do so, I currently use a class derived from osgShadow::OccluderGeometry
to compute the occlude silouhette from the camera point of view, and
create an osg::Polytope from that silouhette.


Going through osgShadow::OccluderGeometry code, I noticed that the
silouhette is computed via two odd looking functions. For example:


inline bool isLightPointSilhouetteEdge(const osg::Vec3& lightpos, const
Edge& edge) const


    if (edge.boundaryEdge()) return true;


    float offset = 0.0f;


    osg::Vec3 delta(lightpos-_vertices[edge._p1]);



    float n1 = delta * _triangleNormals[edge._t1] + offset;

    float n2 = delta * _triangleNormals[edge._t2] + offset;


    float angle_offset = 0.0f;


    n1 = cos(acosf(n1) + angle_offset);

    n2 = cos(acosf(n2) + angle_offset);


    if (n1==0.0f && n2==0.0f) return false;


    return n1*n2 <= 0.0f; 



What puzzles me is the double calls to cos() and acosf(), as this is
very expensive. Having worked a long time ago on stencil shadows, I
looked back at my old code. It appears I was using the triangles plane
equation and then doing a dot product with the light position. Since the
plane equations need only to be computed once, this was a very fast way
of doing it (and works for both directional and point light). I wonder
what are the advantages of the current osg implementation.


My old code looked something like this:


void ComputeVisibility()


      for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Planes.size(); ++i) {


            const plane_eq & Plane = m_Planes[i];


            double Side = 0.0;


            Side += Plane.a * LightPosition[0];

            Side += Plane.b * LightPosition[1];

            Side += Plane.c * LightPosition[2];

            Side += Plane.d * LightPosition[3];


            if (Side > 0)













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