Actually I haven't tried any of these for various reasons:

According to the post with the most info,

“There are serveral ways to do it:

1. alternative: Just use the opengl example from speedtree and wrap it
with a custom drawable. Using this solution there are many
* easy to integrate
* your are using the texture loading/management of speedtree
* you loose the ability of multithreading/multicontext stuff of osg,
because the speedtree example uses CG in a non-multicontext version

2. alternative: Create a osg wrapper for CG (as custom
stateattributes) in osg and use the example to build the appropiate
osg geometry.
* no need to touch the speedtree shader
* useable in multicontext/multithreaded environment.
* Integrating CG into osg is a daunting task. However CG does not make
any guaranties about the opengl state after it has been applied, so
you can't use it with other stateattributes or in a hierarchy of
statesets.  So I wouldn't recommend using CG at all in OSG.
3. alternative: Like above you port all the geometry to osg as well as
the CG shaders to GLSL. Porting the shaders to GLSL is easy. I haven't
done anything with shaders before, but if you take a look at Mike
Weiblen GLSL quickrefernce it should be really easy to port the CG

* now is pure osg, you don't have any custom drawable or wrappers in it,
EXCEPT: SpeedWind - Speedtree provides a class for creating wind. Just
build a basic wrapper which gets called in the update cycle. “

Further Comments
I assume that the above methods involve SpeedTree prior to v5, which
is what I am using.  According to the SpeedTree website v5 includes a
reorganization of the SDK.  How much, I do not know, but maybe someone
has experience with it and OSG.
I assume that the above reference to CG means nvidia Cg?
3 Isn't an option because we want to integrate SpeedTree, not rewrite
it.  Our goal is to use SpeedTree not develop a copy.  Having seen the
source code, there is much more to it than porting geometry and


On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 7:48 AM, Jean-Sébastien Guay
<> wrote:
> Hello Wyatt,
>> I would like to integrated SpeedTree 5.0 into an osg application.  Having 
>> searched the mailing list archives the most recent mention of a SpeedTree 
>> example that I found was over a year ago.  Has anyone been using SpeedTree 
>> with OSG and possibly put together an example that would show how to use 
>> SpeedTree with a later version of OSG?
> Have you tried what that message said?
> Even if the most recent mention was a year ago, I doubt OSG has changed 
> enough in one year that it won't work anymore. So why don't you try that and 
> see if it works? If it doesn't, then you can always come back here with 
> specific questions.
> J-S
> --
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