Philip Lamb wrote:
> osgViewer (OSG v2.6, compiled under Windows XP SP3 with Visual Studio
> 2005 SP1) crashes while loading textured models (e.g. cow.osg) when I
> run it on a clean install of Windows Vista SP2. Before I go through the
> pain of installing VS on this copy of Vista to run the debugger, are
> there any known gotchas running OSG compiled under XP in Vista?

  I run OSG apps on Vista all the time. I compile them on Vista too, but I have 
also run
older XP-compiled apps just fine.

  #1 issue: Check and update your display drivers before doing anything else, 
and if it
still doesn't work, report what make/model and driver revision your dealing 
with. There
are some crap drivers out there.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere                  Xenon
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