Eric Coppock wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have two questions, but I'll post them separately as they really don't 
> belong in the same thread.  Here's the first...
> I'm horribly noob to OSG, but it's obvious this is pretty good stuff and a 
> capability I could really use.  I'm heading up the second year of a 3D 
> visualization related testbench project at work.  I will have budget for an 
> intern or two this coming summer (June-Aug 2010).  I have a pretty good 
> feeling that if I tell my HR department I need OSG expertise, they'll just 
> give me a blank stare and ask "OMG?  What's OMG?"   ;)
> What's the best way of getting in touch with some talented OSG student-types 
> who would be interested in a summer gig in Aerospace?  (or is this it?)

  Hey Eric, I'm in the Denver Area too, and I think I have worked with some 
Ball Aero
folks who were doing OSG stuff way back in 2003 or so. We used to have Colorado 
OSG Users'
Group meetings at my office.

  Paul Martz, myself and occasionally Mike Weiblen are sort of the old guard of 
community in the Colorado area. we ought to get together sometime and talk. I 
know Paul
had a couple of interns this summer, he might be able to tell you more.

> Thank you!
> Eric Coppock
> Colorado, USA

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere                  Xenon
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