Janna Terde wrote:
> Hi all!
> I am looking for a toolkit which can help me to render a terrain.
> As an input data I have a set points (stored in a ascii file). Each point has 
> easting, northing and elevation values.
> Would you suggest to use VPB for this purpose? I was looking also into 
> osgTerrain module but did not find any documentation about it yet. Another 
> direction I have in mind is to use osgEarth. 
> Thank you very much for taking your time to read my post and I will 
> appreciate any suggestions!

  Use something like GDAL to turn this sparse point set into a gridded DEM 
raster, and
then feed that to VPB to build it into terrain.

  Don't mess with hand-rolling heightfields as you mentioned in your previous 
message. VPB
knows best what it is doing for representing terrain.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere                  Xenon AlphaPixel.com
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