Dominic Stalder schrieb:
> Hi Stephan
> here the answer of my workmate:
> I tried this without luck. After compiling the Frameworks and using them
> in my application, I get the following linking errors when building with
> Xcode:
> Undefined symbols:
> "non-virtual thunk to osgViewer::Viewer::~Viewer()"
> "osgDB::readImageFile(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
> std::allocator<char> > const&, osgDB::Options const*)"
> "osgText::readFontFile(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
> std::allocator<char> > const&, osgDB::Options const*)"
> "osgViewer::Viewer::checkNeedToDoFrame()"
> "non-virtual thunk to osgViewer::Viewer::setStartTick(unsigned long long)"
> "non-virtual thunk to osgViewer::Viewer::setSceneData(osg::Node*)"

Strange. Check if you are compiling against the same SDK as the
frameworks are built with. You can't mix frameworks built for the 10.4
SDK with an app built for 10.5 SDK. What version of osg do you use?

I am a bit perplexed, that it doesn't work for you, I am doing this all
the time.

> Also tried that. Compiled the dylibs with cmake and installed them in
> /usr/local/lib. Compiling and linking against them works fine. For
> packaging I copied them to the application bundle (to Contents/MacOS/)
> and changed all paths using install_name_tool. Starting the application
> does not show any linking errors but the following runtime error occurs:

Did you mangle all names? You'll have to mangle not only the app, but
also the frameworks and the used plugins.


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