Janna Terde wrote:
> For now I think I will postpone using VPB. I will have a lot of different 
> types of data and would need to see how to go around processing it into one 
> standard. 

  VPB supports a lot of different data formats.

  You're ignoring a solid and well-defined asset pipeline here. VPB is sort of 
de-facto intended way to get large amounts of heighfield data into OSG and 
running at high
framerates. When you decide to go off-track and roll-it-yourself you are losing 
all of the
expertise built into VPB over time. Now, you yourself need to have all that 
expertise that
Robert embedded into VPB, and obviously you don't have that expertise. And, not 
to speak
for Robert, but I expect his answer will be something along the lines of "I put 
all that
expertise into VPB so I wouldn't have to keep answering peoples questions about
heightfields individually." ;)

> Currently I am subdividing my height map into smaller ones and rendering 
> several separate HeightFields. This at least gives me fast geometry update. 
> However I believe that using plain HeightFields is not good. But since I got 
> the problems with the TerrainTile/HeightFieldLayer as I mentioned before I 
> have no choice.

  One thing to do would be to build a trivial .OSG database from a test dataset 
using VPB,
then compare it to a .osg-saved version of the scenegraph you hand-rolled to 
see what VPB
is doing differently from you that might perhaps make its 
objects work where yours do not. The .osg format is ASCII, so it's easy to 
examine and diff.

> I am thinking eventually to look into vertex shader option as it might be the 
> fastest one. Currently I am implementing a prototype version to see how 
> fast/slow things can get.

  Even with the vertex shader, you will still need to get the modified vertex-Z 
data down
the pipeline to the GPU. How do you plan to do that? Shoving a big bite of 
anything down
the pipe is likely to cause bottlenecks, but there are techniques for 
minimizing the
impact of this whether you are using standard vertices or a dynamic 

> Cheers,
> Janna

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere                  Xenon AlphaPixel.com
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