Hi Guy,

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:59 PM, Guy Volckaert
<guy.volcka...@meggitt.com> wrote:
> Is there a way to disable culling for a geode. Essentially, I want the geode 
> render every frame - usefull for skyboxes and skydomes. I tried calling 
> setCullingActive(false) but that does not work.

This should work just fine.  What makes you think it doesn't work?
I'm not even sure why you'd need to disable culling though as the
skybox/skydome's bouding volume should be on screen and not culled any

> The only way I was able to make it work, so far, is by setting the 
> Geometry::setInitialBound(...) to something very big. But that seems odd to 
> me. Is there a better way that I am not aware of?

Yes this is odd.   You must be doing something odd with your geometry
for it behave in the way you are describing.  You should need to
modify the bounding box and shouldn't need to disable culling.

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