2009/11/26 Jim Brooks <jimbl...@gmail.com>

> This is very basic....
> This test-code snippet is supposed to create a simple square with a
> normal vector (or vectors).
> After rotating it around with the trackball manipulator, the square is
> never culled.
> Same behavior on OSG 2.6 and 2.8.

Culling is not enabled by default, you have to explicitly enable it.

With OpenGL, normal vectors have nothing to do with culling,
they are only used for lighting purposes; culling is determined
by the primitive vertices and the sign of the area they give
after projection to screen(ish) coordinates.

> Also, having trouble with with a dome composed of squares constructed
> similarly.
> No matter how the normal vectors are assigned, every square is culled
> when the viewpoint is inside the dome (the opposite is needed).
> Is OSG computing normal vectors after the app sets them?

No, OSG never computes normals for you.
For your dome you either need to swap the vertex order,
or change the culling mode:


Can't recall the OSG equivalent at the mo, you'll have to look it up.

>    // Normal vectors.
>    const osg::Vec3f crossProduct = ((*vertexs)[0]) ^ ((*vertexs)[1]);

This is wrong. You are doing the crossproduct of 2 vertices, not 2 vectors.
You want:

osg::Vec3Array&      vx = *vertexs.get();
osg::Vec3f                crossProduct = (vx[2] - vx[1]) ^ (vx[1] - vx[0]);

The rest looks OK though.

Btw, the plural of vertex is vertices, not vertexs.

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