Hey Guys, (hey Jan)

we are a team of students from the university of applied science Düsseldorf
(Germany), studying virtual reality.

In our current project we have the need to display hunderd of animated
models ... it's an ant-swarm simulation.
We are using osgCal (cal3D) to import the animated models, and up to this
its working fine.

But the more animated models we add, the more the framerate drops... this is
(probably) because the updateTime of more animations needs more time.
So the question is, if it's somehow possible in OSG / osgCal to instanciate

We know that geomety instancing is possible, but for some reason we are not
able to get it work with animated models..

.. so every help is appreciated!

Sorry i'm contacting you directly, but reading other related threads about
osg's animation you seem to be quite familiar with this topic, and we need a
solution as soon as possible.
hope you don't mind..

Best Regards

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