Hi Raymond,

Hmm, that's interesting, never used that combination. Do you know how I enable Debug info for Release mode?

When building OSG, after generating the project files with CMake, if you open the solution file you'll see "RelWithDebInfo" as one of the available configurations.

For other projects, you can do it manually by enabling debug symbols in the C/C++ section of the project options, and enabling debugging in the Linker section, for a release build.

I should note that you'll probably get weird results from breakpoints and checking the values of variables (because of compiler optimization in release mode). You can disable optimization but the crash might only happen when optimization is at a certain setting... So it's not perfect but might help you get closer to the bug.

When something crashes in release but not in debug, it's often an uninitialized variable or something like that. Since the debug builds generally protect you more (initializing variables to known values for example) this sometimes hides bugs that only happen in release.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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