Hello All,

I'm a graduate student looking for, for any who are interested, input on an 
application I've developed - if it's useful, things that it does poorly, 
decently...and, importantly: inputs on the concepts behind the application, 
etc. (warning - I am a tad rusty on C++ and I am new to QT, among other 
things...so, though the application mostly works, the development behind it 
might not be as efficient/proper as it should be). The application is called 
OSGExplore (based/borrowed on OSGEdit...and borrowing from basic examples from 
OSG and QT). Essentially, OSGExplore uses data visualization techniques to help 
users find osg types (such as osg::Material) on a visualization screen, rather 
than with a tree view (though one is provided) so that it can be found and 
edited quickly.

I've developed the application using visual studio, QT 4.5.2, Boost 1.40.0 
(cmake 2), osg 2.8.0, and qt property browser 2.5.1.

Environment variables:
$BOOST_DIR (location of boost - example "C:\Boost\boost-1.40.0.cmake2")
$QTDIR (location of QT - example "C:\QT\4.5.2")
$QTPropertyBrowser (Location of the qt property browser - example 
$OSG_ROOT (location of OSG - example "C:\Program Files\OpenSceneGraph")

As for how the application is used, here is an example on how I hope it would 

Using the fountain.osg example, there are four osg::Materials...finding each 
material might take some work using a tree view, given that there are multiple 
copies of each osg::Material being used. But, using the filter of osg::Explore, 
the user can choose osg::Material as the filter class type, then choose 
_specularFront as the filter property. The four osg::Material nodes will now be 
colored with the color used for "specular front." From there, we can "attract" 
osg::Materials to each other on the visualization screen (by clicking the 
attract check box), and change their shape to "Big", so that they're easier to 
spot on our visualization screen. From there, we could click on each node until 
we find our proper osg::Material (or just look at the colors of each material 
"node"), and then (from the property view on the left hand side of the 
application) change the material properties.

Warning - if you have a large number of nodes of a certain type, choosing to 
turn on "class links" may slow down the application drastically (this is also 
the case for parent/child links in general).

Here are some application commands:

"R": randomly places the visualization nodes
"-": Zooms out
"+": Zooms in
Mouse Wheel: Zoom out/in
Clicking nodes drags them
"Esc": Lose focus of the current node
"Space": Pause node movement

Some other options to play with:

Node attraction and repulsion strength (the forces between each node globally 
and the forces between filtered nodes to global nodes).

Thank you,
osg-users mailing list
  • [osg-us... Biron, Patrick D. (LARC-E402)[ANALYTICAL MECHANICS ASSOCIATES INC]
      • ... Paul Martz
      • ... Jean-Sébastien Guay
        • ... Rizzen
          • ... Jean-Sébastien Guay
        • ... Rizzen
          • ... Biron, Patrick D. (LARC-E402)[ANALYTICAL MECHANICS ASSOCIATES INC]
        • ... Biron, Patrick D. (LARC-E402)[ANALYTICAL MECHANICS ASSOCIATES INC]

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