Hi Robert -- Thanks for your comments on this. I'd really appreciate feedback on the other items I discussed in my email, before I proceed with any submissions, so more input is welcome.

Robert Osfield wrote:
On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Paul Martz <pma...@skew-matrix.com> wrote:
Finally, another thing to consider is replacing our existing feature query
infrastructure with something like GLEW. GLEW is lightweight, easily
  1) Don't typically support multiple graphics contexts - a critical
issue under Windows as the
      extension entry points can be different for each graphics context

Right, but "something like GLEW" might support multiple contexts.

  2) Centralized management of extensions via external libs doesn't
fit well with the ability to
      extend the OSG in 3rd party NodeKits, where the NodeKits support
extensions that that
      the OSG version didn't support when shipped - these 3rd party
NodeKits would be forced
      to only use the same version of the extension library that the
OSG was linked to.

This is really not an issue. We discussed something similar to this in "OpenGL capture/logging in OSG" and I'll paraphrase what I said there: External node kit developers can cook their own extension access solution until the extension is available (in core OSG or OSG's external feature support dependency).

  3) We need to be able to disable extensions when they don't work.

(I'd question whether or not this feature even works in OSG today, given that OSG doesn't even query the extension string for many of the extension features it uses. But...) This is an interesting and possibly useful feature, so it should definitely be in any solution that you endorse before we start coding a submission.

And finally regarding the dependency issue. It doesn't have to be a dependency any more than OpenThreads is a dependency. It could be an internal self-contained module. I know, I know, you're opposed to centralizing this. :-)

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