Hi all,
sorry, this question seems very odd but i could not solved the problem.
i need simple paged lod mechanism and i can see that there is a class for
this purpose in osg named osg::PagedLOD

i have terrain pages with different resolutions. since there are many of
them, i don't want to load all of them at the beginning of the program. i
want them to be loaded when the camera goes there. osg::LOD works perfect
but it loads all the models at the beginning of the program.
i call the functions like that:

//CALL OF osg::LOD
osg::Node* node = osgDB::readNodeFile(filename);
lod->addChild(node, min, max);

//CALL OF osg::PagedLOD
osg::Node* node = new osg::Node();
pagedLOD->addChild(node, min, max, filename);

when i use PagedLOD instead of LOD, i dont load the node file at the
beginning. but the problem is when i use pagedLOD i cant see anything. it
just works when i use LOD.

do you think i miss something? should i use PagedLOD for my purpose or i
should implement something different??*

any idea would be great :)


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